I bought ATP Vojvodina Company in 2004 at a public competition at the Privatization Agency. I offered the highest price and I became its majority owner. During the first year I fulfilled the Investment Plan, I bought 30 new buses, I opened new lines, I expanded my business activities and employed another 200 workers. Next year on the basis of the Contract concluded with Novi Sad authorities headed by the Mayor Maja Gojković, I built the complex composed of the new Bus Intercity and International Station and modern EvoBus Centre for Setra and Mercedes, which should have covered the territory of the Balkans.
However, the investment has never started its work, because the City authorities have not fulfilled their part of contractual obligations to redirect the traffic to the new location. They were following the interests of the persons who had some influence in the country, and I -Ilija Dević guaranteed fulfillment of my obligations relating ATP Vojvodina with my personal property I had been acquiring for 35 years. Within the 24 compromized privatizations, relying on the reports filed by the Anti-corruption Agency and the insight into the entire documentation of ATP Vojvodina, the European Commission found out that this case was the only one in which the investor, but not the state, sufferred the damage. The state took away my own Company and, instead of directing the criminal proceedings towards the persons from the state structures who caused the damage to the City of Novi Sad, to the tax payers, employees and me as the owner and investor, they created classical red herring in order to “cover” act of the state.
The City of Novi Sad allowed the investment by concluding the Contract, without any obligation to use even one dinar from the budget funds thus making me invest my own money and the loans I guaranteed for with my own property and all that followed by their forbidding my work. Nobody is responsible for that, because the courts believe that I am to be blamed for investing my own finances as well as for making the most beautiful Bus Station in Novi Sad. The courts think that the City of Novi Sad does not have any responsilibilities, not only for non-compliance with the Contract, but also for not respecting its own Urban Plan which created the conditions for building of the Station. The courts think that my property can be sold as “a functional whole”, although my Station still cannot work.
When I filed the charges for the damage compensation ( Ilija Dević’s Personal damage.pdf) the courts said that I did not have the right to get compensation explaining that it was not me who was the contractual party in the Contract with the City, as if I had never invested the money and as if it had not been my investment.
I also filed charges for the out of the Contract damage, and the courts said that the City was not responsible for the contractual damage. I demanded from the courts to consider the issue of the mortgage the Credit Agricole Bank established over property of ATP Vojvodina (NIllegal mortgage registration by Credit Agricole Bank over newly-built facilities of ATP Vojvodina - new Bus Station and EvoBus Service Centre for the needs of Setra and Mercedes .pdf) so the court engaged the experts who confirmed my claims that the mortgage statements did not relate the Station and Service. Unfortunately, that was not enough evidence to the courts.
It is obvious that the courts apply neither law nor rules of logic when my investment is concerned. The explanations given in the decisions relating the cases in which I -Ilija Dević appear, do not explain the legal basis for the decisions, but they justify illegal acting of the City of Novi Sad. Not even one judge has appeared so far who is brave enough to apply the law.
Ako za Evropsku komisiju, Savet za borbu protiv korupcije i Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije je nesporno da je ATP ”Vojvodina” jedini slučaj od 24 sporne privatizacije gde je oštećen investitor a ne država, šta treba da se desi da sudije to vide.
If it is indisputably for the European Commission, the Anti-corruption Council and Anti-corruption Agency that this is the only case out of 24 compromized privatizations in which the investor but not the state suffers the damage, what has to happen for the judges to see that in the same way?
The things happening currently about the case of ATP Vojvodina should wake up the Special Prosecution from their deep sleep.
Sincerely Yours,
Investor of ATP Vojvodina Ilija Dević