Ilija Dević

ATP "Vojvodina"

"Anatomy od Political and Legal Dishonour"

Something to add to history of Serbia at the transition of the centuries

Criminal Charges Filed by Ilija Dević

The Prosecutor’s Office as an independent state body whose task is to pursue the ones who have commited criminal acts in the case of ATP“Vojvodina“ have stayed silent. During the last eight years Ilija Dević filed numerous criminal charges and addressed the institutions which have had their share of responsibility in this case.

It is not known for any of the criminal charges if :

The charges were dropped ?

The charges are being processed ?

Any investigatins have been initiated ?

Any charges have been brought ?

16.10.2007. Ilija Dević informed the District Public Attorney about corruption in Novi Sad

19 December , 2007- crimunal charge filed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Criminal Investigation , the Agency for Struggle againts Organized Criminal, against Borisav Borović , assistant to the Infrastructure Minister, Jovo Šarac,the Republic inspector for road transport,Radenović Radomir, the Republic inspector for road transport.

16 January , 2008 – Criminal charge filed to The District Public Attorney in Novi Sad against Maja Gojkovic, Mayor of Novi Sad, Vladimir Stojkocić , head of the City Department for traffic and roads in Novi Sad ,Biljana Grbović , head of the City Department for inspection affairs

27 February , 2008- amendment to the criminal charge from 16 January , 2006 filed to the District Public Attorney in Novi Sad.

27 February , 2008 – amendment to the criminal charge from 19 December , 2007 filed to the Ministry of Interval Affairs , Department of criminal investigation, the Agency for Strugge Againts Organized Criminal

29 October , 2008 – criminal charge was sent to the Minister of Police because of prevention of starting the work of the new intercity station in Novi Sad and the charge was filed against: Velimir Ilić , Minister for Infrastructure , Šarac Jovo and Radomir Radenović, the Republic inspectors for road transport, Borisav Borović , assistant to the Infrastructure Minister, Maja Gojković, ex-mayor of the City Oof Novi Sad, Miladin Kostrešević , head of Police Department in Novi Sad,Vladimir Stojković ,ex head of the City Department for traffic , Biljana Grbović head of the City Department for inspection affairs in Novi Sad , Igor Pavličić , mayor of the City of Novi Sad , Siniša Bubnjević , head of the City Department for traffic , Rajko Pejić , Director of JGSP „Novi Sad“.

17.12.2008. Ilija Dević uputio pismo Specijalnom Tužiocu za organizovani criminal Miljku Radisavljeviću

19.01.2009. Ilija Dević uputio pismo v.d. republičkom javnom Tužiocu Zagorki Dolovac

16 February , 2010 – criminal charge filed to the Higher Public Prosecutor s Office in Novi Sad againts Borisav Borović , ex assistant to the Infrastructure Minister , Miomir Cvetković , Republic inspector for road transport , Zoran Kedža , Republic inspector for road transport.

8 March , 2010 – criminal charge filed to the Higher Public Prosecutor in Belgrade against : Vesna Džinić , ex – director of the Agency for Privatizacion , Branislav Zec , executive director of the Agency for Privatization , Julijana Vučković , director of the Centre for control and execution of the Sector for performing of privatization in the Agency for Privatization.

1 July , 2011 – criminal charge filed to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for organized criminal against : Nikola Pavlović , the bankruptcy administrator of ATP“Vojvodina „ ; Miodrag Ilić , assistant to Infrastructure Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Damjanić Milenko , owner of „ Dunav prevoz“ , Rostić Radenko , owner „ Ristić komerc“

28 March , 2012 – criminal charge was filed to the Republic Prosecutor’s Office against : Nikola Lapčević, President of UO (Steering Committee ) ATP“ Vojvodina“ ;Nenad Čortanovački , member of UO ATP“Vojvodina“ ;Lazar Minjižaba,member of UO ATP“Vojvodina“ Nikola Pavlović, bankruptcy administrator of ATP“Vojvodina“ , Dragomir Zjalić , lawyer from Novi Sad.

9 December,2014 – criminal charge filed to the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Novi Sad against Maja Gojković-former Mayor of the City of Novi Sad,Zoran Vučević-former President of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad,Aleksandar Jeftić-former Director for Urbanism, Igor Mirović-former Director of the Institute for City Development,Biljana Grbović-Head of the City Department for the Inspection Affairs,Vladimir Stojković- former Head of the City Traffic and Roads Department,Vučeta Tošković- former member of the City Council for Traffic, Lidija Tadić – former City Secretary for Management and Regulations,Danica Vignjević- former member of the City Council for the Communal Service and Dejan Mandić – former member of the City Council for Finance.

9 December,2014 – criminal charges filed to the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Novi Sad against Miloš Vučević- Mayor of the City of Novi Sad, Mirjana Dukić-Mijatović- President of the Expert Team, Miroje Jovanović- member of the Expert Team, Milan Djukić- member of the Expert Team, Saša Došen- member of the Expert Team, Rajko Marinković- member of the Expert Team, Aleksandar Bojkov- member of the Expert Team, Milorad Bejatović- member of the Expert Team and Zvezdan Živanov- member of the Expert Team.