"Anatomy od Political and Legal Dishonour"
Something to add to history of Serbia at the transition of the centuries
The company ATP “Vojvodina“ was put in process of the staged bankruptcy by teaming up the criminal and political circles Ilije Devića and ATP“Vojvodina“ with „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia. ATP“Vojvodina“ was a client of „Meridian Bank“ which was the legal prdecessor of „Credit Agricole Bank“ and it was the bank which started the negotiations with ATP“Vojvodina“. When „Credit Agricole Bank“ came to Serbia, a reception was organized in the Embassy of the Republic of France in Serbia. The project ATP“Vojvodina“ was presented there as the principal project in Novi Sad. They wanted to present this as a project of public importance for the City of Novi Sad because the Bank headquarters was located there.
However, as soon as the plan of organization prepared by Ilija Dević and ATP“Vojvodina“ was given to the dishonest employees of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia, it was handed to the tycoons criminals and politicians.
„The business plan“ of ATP“Vojvodina“ was a very profitable one and it was interesting for trade among the bank employees and their personal benefit. Ilija Dević, director of ATP“Vojvodina“, was getting the documents from the City of Novi Sad and the same documents were demanded by the employees of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia in order to check validity of the documents. The bank approved the long-term loan as soon as the contract on building of the new intercity bus station in Novi Sad was signed by the company ATP“Vojvodina“ and the City of Novi Sad.
„Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia got the confirmation that the contract between ATP“Vojvodina“ and the City of Novi Sad would be complied and it was only after that the long-term loan was approved. Besides Ilija Dević’s pledged assets, the contract was a guarantee for the loan.
ATP“Vojvodina“ was the biggest client of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia.
The attack on the investment ATP“Vojvodina“ and Ilija Dević himself started at the end of 2006 when buliding of the bus station was about to be completed. The employees of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia were permanently working against ATP“Vojvodina“ and Ilija Dević till the staged bankruptcy ATP“Vojvodina“ at the end of 2008 and then they continued to do the same.
The very bankruptcy was staged by „Credit Agricole Bank“ through „Čačanska Bank“. The claim of “Čačanska Bank“ was 20 million dinars. This means that the company whose value was at that moment 100 milion Euros was introduced into the staged bankruptcy because of 20 million dinars. 500 emplyees lost their jobs because of that.
The Commercial Court from Novi Sad appointed Nebojša Bajić as the bankruptcy administrator of ATP“Vojvodina“. 30 days later, the same Court appointed Nikola Pavlovića as the new bankruptcy administrator. The man is a retired traffic engineer and this is the first bankruptcy in his career, although this is the biggest bankruptcy case in Serbia. Another interesting fact is that the man is the bank ex employee.
When Nikola Pavlović became the bankruptcy administrator, the employees of “Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia began persuading him to give up the tort claim filed against the City of Novi Sad and not to submit the plan of reorganization for the company in the bankruptcy process - ATP“Vojvodina“.
Ilije Dević’s team of lawyers submitted the plan of reorganization and they did not allow giving up the tort claim. It was in the interest of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia, politicians, tycoons and criminal groups to bring the compnay ATP“Vojvodina“ to a fast bankruptcy.
In April. 2009, the bankruptcy administrator of ATP“Vojvodina“ from Novi Sad ,Nikola Pavlović, copied the plan of reorganization from Ilije Dević’s team of lawyers and submitted it. The contents of the plan of reorganization was based on the damage compensation demand by which ATP“Vojvodina“ demanded the money from the City of Novi Sad due to their non-compliance with the contract relating construction of the new intercity bus station.
After that, several hearings were held in the Commercial Court in Novi Sad during which „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia was strongly struggling against adoption of the plan of reorganization and for putting of ATP“Vojvodina“ into bankruptcy.
Nikola Pavlović, the bankruptcy administrator, supported by „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia as well as by the politicians who were putting pressure on the Court, was constantly selling property of ATP“Vojvodina“ thus systematically destroying it without starting at least one activitity. He was constantly reducing the bankruptcy amount of money. Many criminal charges were filed against him. On 14 April, 2010, Ilija Dević sent a letter to the Board of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Paris , informing them about the activities of their employees in Serbia and the way in which they were treating the biggest client „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia.
There was an interesting hearing for ATP“Vojvodina banruptcy procedure held on 7 December, 2010 for which „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia made a deal with some politicians, tycoons and criminals to complete bankruptcy procedure in ATP“Vojvodina“ with total bankruptcy. However, on the same day the independent regulatory body of the Anti-corruption agency sent a letter to seven important addresses of the state institutions and warned them about the case of ATP“Vojvodina“. After only two days – on 9 December, 2010, the Appellate Court made the judgement in favour of ATP“Vojvodina“ and sent the case back to the Commercial Court in Novi Sad for new proceedings. The hearings in the Commercial Court in Novi Sad attracted a lot of attention of media and on 14 January, 2011, Ilija Dević’s lawyer Emir Jašarević sent (the invitation to intervene) a letter to the banks to join him in the struggle for their money. Persuaded by „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia, none of them joined him and all of them supported the City of Novi Sad. The aim was to destroy Ilija Dević and give the company to somebody else with whom „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia had already made a deal.
In summer 2011, the information appeared that ATP“Vojvodina“ was on the list of controversial privatizations resolving of which was demanded by EC (European Commission) as the only one in which the investor, Ilija Dević, suffered the damage. It was then that they became afraid of responsibility and, after ten hearings in the case for bankruptcy 9/2010, the Plan of reorganization of ATP“Vojvodina“ company was adopted on 31 August, 2011. The Plan was adopted for the period of five years and it was said that the damage compensation demand of ATP“Vojvodina“ against the City of Novi Sad would be accomplished in two years.
The management of ATP“Vojvodina“ company was formed and neither Ilija Dević , owner of 39%, nor his team were allowed to participate in any way in managing of ATP“Vojvodina“ company. Those who were interested in the case gave up neither the targeted destruction of the property by selling it nor destruction of all the profitable issues.
After adoption of the Plan of reorganization, the employees of „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia who were from the very beginning involved in the trade about ATP“Vojvodina“ started bringing young employees into the bank and gave them the higher position than even they had. In such a way, the young ones took the responsibility, thus amnesting the older employees from the criminal acts which were, in case of ATP“Vojvodina“,visible with the naked eye, not mentioning the possibility of acting in accordance with the filed criminal charges.
During the entire litigation for the damage compensation between the City of Novi Sad and ATP“Vojvodina“ , everybody was on the side of Novi Sad and only Ilija Dević’s tram was on the side of ATP“Vojvodina“.
In February 2012, ATP”Vojvodina” in reorganization defined more precisely its claim for compensation P 4597/2010 before the Commercial Court in Novi Sad, demanding calculation of the damage in all aspects for the company. The same was ordered by the Commercial Court of Appellate in its judgement brought on 9 December, 2010. In March, 2012, the Steering Committee of ATP”Vojvodina” in reorganization, probably in agreement with “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia and then leaders of the City of Novi Sad, began to put pressure on the lawyer and director of ATP”Vojvodina” in reorganization to give up the precisely defined claim for compensation and to demand compensation for only one activity (bus station services), thus reducing total damage as well as the total amount of the money to be compensated. To consternation of everybody, including numerous journalists who were following the proceedings, the Commercial Court in Novi Sad accepted that and the then director, Мr. Mirko Vučinić, resigned because he did not want to take part in the dishonourable acts.
How is it possible that “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia does not struggle for its money?
Because of the above described situation, on 28 March, 2012, Ilija Dević filed a criminal charge to the Republic Prosecutor’s Office but nothing is being done in accordance with the charge as well as with all the other charges filed since 2007. On 30 March, 2012, Ilija Dević sent a letter to the Board of “Credit Agricole Bank” in Paris.
In May, 2012, the Commercial Court in Novi Sad brought the first instance judgement in favour of ATP”Vojvodina” and a complaint was filed to the Commercial Curt of Appellate in Belgrade.
The judgement of the Commercial Court of Appellate was brought in favour of ATP”Vojvodina” on 31 January, 2013, and the judgement was final, meaning that it was a kind of judgement which did not suspend the execution. The amount defined in the final judgement brought by the Commercial Court of Appellate was about 14 million Euros plus interest of about 17 million Euros. That amount was sufficient for closing of the bankruptcy procedure. ATP”Vojvodina” would have been given back to its ex owner, all the trustees would have been paid and the employees would have returned to work.
What kind of interest did “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia have to side with the City of Novi Sad, to join them in influencing upon the collusions about the owner Ilija Dević, and to persistently avoid getting its money back?
On 22 February, 2013, the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad, out of the common practice (never since then in long parliamentary history of the City of Novi Sad), made the conclusions, made comments on the judgement of the Commercial Appellate Court, provided false explanations and directed the anger and dissatisfaction of the citizens of Novi Sad with the situation in the city towards Ilija Dević himself. He was the scapegoat and the one to be blamed for all the bad things in Novi Sad. The mayor himself, when making the statement to the media, publicly threatened Ilija Dević, the investor of ATP”Vojvodina” company, in order to put pressure on the judicial authorities. Even today, Ilija wonders: “Why all this? I have invested hard-earned money, I have borrowed money, I have invested all that I have into that investment, I employed many people, and I fed more than 500 families. How did I deserve this? Wasn’t it much simpler to tell me immediately after the letter on intention – no, you can’t and that’s all?”
The pressure and threats went on through the Republic Prosecutor’s Office (under personal monitoring of the Republic Public Prosecutor Deputy, Djordje Ostojić). The lawyers say that the extraordinary remedy does not suspend execution. They say that the law says so. They also say that the Republic Public Prosecutor can file demand for protection of constitutionality, but only against the decisions which are based on the impermissible acts of the parties. The law says that the impermissible acts of the parties are: withdrawal of the charge, giving up the claim, accepting of the claim, settlements, giving up the complaint. Although none of the abovementioned things happened in the dispute between ATP Vojvodine and the City of Novi Sad, the Republic Public Prosecutor filed the demand for protection of constitutionality. It was soon clear why he had done that. He sent the demand to the executive judge of the Commercial Court in Novi Sad to delay the execution. To the dismay of many people, the Commercial Court allowed that, although the Law on execution and ensuring explicitly forbids delay of execution. The lawyers mention and quote many judgements made by the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Constitutional Court confirming that the right to deciding on this extraordinary remedy is exclusively related to the impermissible acts of the parties. They say that the Republic Public Prosecutor has received all such decisions and he is very familiar with all these facts. In spite of that, he filed the demand for protection of the law. It is obvious that his intention was to help one of the parties by acting contrary to his legal authorities.
While the executive authorities of the City of Novi Sad were making an agreement with the Republic Public Prosecutor, the pressure was being put on the Steering Committee of ATP”Vojvodina” and its director in reorganization and the pressure was in the form of about ten days of threatening and preventing them from filing the proposal for execution. The attorney of ATP”Vojvodina” in reorganization filed the demand for the execution only on 8 March, 2013, and under pressure of the employees.
In this way, a message was also sent to the Supreme Cassational Council, the only council that can decide on a civil legal matter, that they had to revoke the effect making judgement of the Commercial Appellate Court. If they did not do that, the City would be destroyed, they said. Of course, they obeyed the instruction, the pressure was put on the Supreme Court of Cassationand the judgement, unknown before in the court practice, was brought. Nobody paid attention to the fact that the investment of Ilija Dević was destroyed. Are we really all equal before the law?
After the collected amount of about 4 million Euros from the City of Novi Sad in accordance with the final judgement brought by the Supreme Court of Cassation, ”Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia was struggling to keep the money in the special account of ATP”Vojvodina” and to term deposit the money until the constitutional assessment is completed.
However, that was the time when Ambassador of France, his Excellency François-Xavier DENIAU, at the demand and request of “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia, joined the negotiations with the City of Novi Sad. The aim was to cede ATP”Vojvodina” to the City of Novi Sad so that the City could keep the compensation money in its account, and then to use that money – the money obtained by solely Ilija Dević’s merit, to pay off “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia!?
In accordance with the agreement made between the City of Novi Sad and “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia the money is being used for liquidity of the City of Novi Sad.
In this way “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia has been tricking its biggest client, Ilija Dević.
The reason for involving of Ambassador of France, his Excellency François-Xavier DENIAU, into the case was to save the employees of “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia from a grand affair in Serbia - ATP”Vojvodina”.
Ilija Dević informed all the European institutions as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France about the acts of his Excellency François-Xavier DENIAU.
What kind of interest does “Credit Agricole Bank” in Serbia have to destroy its biggest client and to side the City of Novi Sad?
All these things are done in order to prevent paying the damage compensation to ATP”Vojvodina” by the City of Novi Sad and to save “Credit Agricole Bank ” from a grand affair in Serbia solving of which has been demanded by EU.
ATP”Vojvodina” and Ilija Dević filed the Constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court of Serbia on 21 June, 2013 against the judgement of the Supreme Court of Cassation. Ilija Dević also sent two urgings to the Constitutional Court of Serbia and provided access to the case.
It is very strange that the rapporteur on the case is the judge Sabahudin Tahirović, again a judge from Novi Sad.
On 27 March, 2014, the separate creditors „Credit Agricole Bank“ in Serbia and Commercial Bank submitted amendment of the plan of reorganization to the Commercial Court in Novi Sad. The essence of the amendment is to trick the investor of ATP“Vojvodina“, Ilija Dević. Next hearing for adoption of ther amandment to the plan of organization will be on 12 June, 2014.
Having in mind that our juridical system is rather compromised, Ilija Dević demanded for him and for the company ATP”Vojvodina” providing of lawful and fair trial as well as providing of all the rights regulated by the European Convention on Human Rights and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia.
14 January, 2011- Ilija Dević sent an invitation to bankars to intervene and vote
30 March, 2012 - the letter sent to the Board of „Credit Agricole Paris“
27 March, 2014 - Plan of reorganization „Credit Agricole Bank“ and „Commercial Bank“
14.12.2014. Emisija STAV SRBIJE – Šta to beše korupcija