9 August 2021 Ilija Dević: Confiscation began with registration of the illegal mortgage. We are waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court of Cassation

When making the list of 24 compromized privatizations, the European Commission singled out the case of ATP Vojvodina as one of the five biggest cases, but the only one in which it is not the state that suffers the damage, but me as the investor. When the team headed by Bogdan Pušić was formed with the task to shed the light on these cases, the statement given by the European Commission that the problem of ATP Vojvodina was caused by the fact that the City of Novi Sad did not fulfill its obligations from the Contract was neglected, but they tried to accuse me thus turning the investigation into a totally different direction. That was a part of a synchronized plan created in order to confiscate my funds and property. The City, Credit Agricole Bank, Novi Sad Cadastre, Kragujevac-Vojvodina clan in judiciary and other institutions participated in this operation, in order to take away the property I was earning during the period of 40 years, and all that in favour of “drug and tobacco mafia” which was interested in my investment.

One of the segments confirming the abovegiven facts is the case of illegal mortgage which Credit Agricole Bank, assisted by the people working with the Cadastre, registered for the newly-built facilities, in spite of the fact that neither the Contract on the loan nor the Pledge statement provided any possibility for that, because the facilities did not exist at all in the time when the contract and pledge statement were signed.

In September 2008 the Bank tried to carry out the enforcement procedure, but the Court rejected it for the very reason that the Cadastre could not register the burden on the facilities which were not listed in the Contract or the Pledge Statement.

3 October 2008 Decision made by the Municipality Court in Novi Sad.pdf I have already informed the public about this,

Schematic diagram of acting of the Courts towards Ilija Dević.pdf

where the system of the Courts’ work has been shown when I am a party in the proceedings.

However, the Bank managed to get registered, because a stronger “cooperation” had already been established with both the Cadastre and Bankruptcy Trustee who, without foundation, accepted their status of a separate creditor. That is why I filed the criminal charges, although I am aware of the fact that the system of “synchronization” has still being functioning.

Two expertises, one of which was ordered and chosen by the Court, proved that there was not foundation for establishment of the mortgage. In spite of that, the judge Goran Crevar from the Commercial Court in Novi Sad practically ignored the experts’ results because during the first two years he did not decide on the demand for the temporary measure. For that reason the case was moving from the Commercial Court to the Commercial Court of Appeal, where it was always waited by the judge Djordje Jovanović, who is well known by the public as the banking lobby’s judge being the card player in this case.

At this moment the case is at the Supreme Court of Cassation; it was reported on 8 July and the decision is being waited.

Audit Demand to the Supreme Court of Cassation.pdf

It is very interesting that the Judge Rapporteur in this case is the judge Tatjana Miljuš from Bačka Palanka, who came to the Supreme Court of Cassation through “the state judge” Dragiša Slijepčević, the principle representative of the “Vojvodina commercial clan” in judiciary.

I have already informed the public about this as well.

ATP Vojvodina under Watchful eEye of the European Commission

PrIt is really incredible that the team of Bogdan Pušić, which had all the documentation at their disposal, neither noticed the problem with this mortgage nor found out the reasons for. They also did not detect the role of some banking officers in the case.

I am waiting for ther response of the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Special Prosecutor’s Office who, when this case is concerned, do not want to wake up from their deep sleep.

Sincerely Yours,

Investor of ATP Vojvodina Ilija Dević