On 20 May 2018 the Supervisory Board of ATP Vojvodina advertized for the second time selling of the assets of ATP Vojvodina.

The initiator of selling of ATP Vojvodina assets is Credit Agricole Bank" a.d. Novi Sad against which I have filed the complaint in order to claim null and void registering the legitimate law- mortgage of the secured creditor Credit Agricole Bank A.D. Novi Sad which has been entered on the assets of ATP Vojvodina as the bankruptcy debtor.

Although a temporary measure is an urgent procedure which is to be decided within the period of thirty days, this temporary measure has been being decided on for ten months under a horrible political-criminal pressure.

In accordance with the Reorganization Plan adopted seven years ago, all the trustees of ATP Vojvodina, which in the meantime bankrupted because the City had not fulfilled its contractual obligations thus disabling the investment to function, should be settled from the damage compensation demand. The amount defined by the court appointed expert, along with the results found by the Traffic and Mechanical Engineering Faculties as well as the economic analysis of business activities of the newly built facilities, would provide conditions for paying all the company's debts in their entirety. In that way the Bank would completely get its demands, so it is not clear at first sight why the Supervisory Board in which majority of the decisions are made by Credit Agricole Bank representatives, has again advertized selling of the EvoBus Service Center designed for Setra and Mercedes buses which was planned to involve the area of South east Europe.

Besides the intention to break the conceptualized whole and make the Reorganization Plan totally meaningless, the issue that is also disputable is that there are two buyers interested in buying the facilities. Both of them have been working for one person - the current tenant of the premises. The first one is Feniksbus Company the Director of which is Dejan Divljak, brother of Aleksandar Divljak, Secretary of Credit Agricole Bank in Serbia, who is the one managing the case of ATP Vojvodina from the very beginning- from the moment of assigning the credit in 2006, as well as during the bankruptcy and later defined reorganization procedure. The second one is the very Credit Agricole Bank, which is planning to buy the Service Center from bankruptcy and after one year to sell it to Dejan Divljak, Aleksandar Divljak's brother, who manages Feniksbus Company.

The price of 3 million Euros mentioned in the sale advertisement is disputable as well, because in accordance with the accepted expertise, the damage calculated for only the Service for the period of eight years during which it could not function, is 62 million Euros. It is really unclear why that part of ATP Vojvodina is being sold for 3 million Euros!

It is also strange that this is the second attempt of selling initiated by Credit Agricole Bank A.D Novi Sad without proper mortgage, because the Bank obviously wants to organize the third round of the sale through free contract!

As far as the case of ATP Vojvodina is concerned, Credit Agricole Bank in Serbia and its management in Serbia led by Aleksandar Divljak, are constantly working against their biggest client in Serbia. They were trying to do several things: they used to give up the damage compensation, they prevented execution of the final court judgement, they started selling of the assets without mortgage and many other illegal acts.

That is why I am appealing to the management of ATP Vojvodina and the Supervisory Board to stop selling of the advertized assets till the final accomplishment of the court cases for which my lawyers have filed founded complaints and they can be seen on my web page. Positive outcome will totally settle the bankruptcy trustees, thus providing conditions for ATP Vojvodina to go out of bankruptcy and continue its economic activities as an active and liquid company.

The information about this act of the Bank will be sent today simultaneously to the Anti-corruption Agency, Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Serbia, The Republic Prosecutor's Office, National Bank of Serbia, European Commission, European Parliament and others.